Whether you are a health authority, a care provider, or an other healthcare-related organization, we will be happy to support your next step forward. We tailor the consulting to your needs. Prior to presenting an offer, we will invite you to a teleconference for a needs assessment.


Kom igång-hjälp, teknisk support, hjälp med fakturan och svar på de vanligaste frågorna.

I Sahlgrenska Life knyts framtidens vård, forskning och näringsliv samman. The Sahlgrenska Academy has a special ombudsman for students and doctoral students, whose task it is to provide information, support and guidance to people wanting to report what they experience to be harassment. The ombudsman is bound by confidentiality, so as a student you can discuss an incident without the information being passed on. Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborg.

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Daily use of the support system significantly reduced BP (systolic BP −7 mm Hg, diastolic BP −4.9 mm Hg) between baseline and week 8, with daily improvements leveling off as the study progressed. Three homogenous subsets of patients were identified who, despite different initial BP levels, showed similar decreases in BP during the study, indicating that patients benefited irrespective of It is increasingly important for doctors to have the correct data on which to base their judgements. RISE is helping to develop a shirt that can aid stroke, epilepsy and Parkinson’s patients. “The objectives are that patients should feel that they are receiving support, and to provide neurologists with a better basis for making judgements,” says Jan Wipenmyr, sensor expert at RISE. The election for Sahlgrenska Academy’s Faculty Board will take place between May 17 and May 30, 2021. Below, Akademiliv answers several frequently asked questions about the election.


Tycker du att IS/IT samordnare- Verksamhetsstöd IT till Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. Systemutvecklare och produktägare arbetar med uppbyggnad, administration och utveckling av nationella kvalitetsregister och projektledning av den nationella  regionhalsan.dataskyddsombud@vgregion.se.

Sahlgrenska Science Park is an inclusive Open Arena for the new world of Life Science, focusing on innovation and business acceleration. Well-connected and with a non-profit approach, we provide

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Through a close collaboration with the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, we at the centre are trying to find new methods and treatments, which later can be tested and applied directly within the Our aim is to facilitate your life in Sweden, and Sahlgrenska I.C. will act as your contact with the Swedish system and society. We will assist you with both academic and practical matters, including: Application, interview, admission and planning; Agreement and financing; Relocation support … Sahlgrenska Science Park is an inclusive Open Arena for the new world of Life Science, focusing on innovation and business acceleration.

Sahlgrenska Academy was extremely welcoming and exuded self-confidence – without any arrogance. When I came here, I immediately felt great support. People are happy when you do well. Daily use of the support system significantly reduced BP (systolic BP −7 mm Hg, diastolic BP −4.9 mm Hg) between baseline and week 8, with daily improvements leveling off as the study progressed.
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Västra Götalandsregionen IT Centric Professionals AB / IT-konsult, IT-support, IT-tekniker. Många IT-stöd är inte anpassade till hur vi människor tar emot, bearbetar och Båtelson, företrädare för Läkarförbundet på Sahlgrenska (vars arbete med IT-ronder systemförvaltare och supportpersoner, med hög kompetens och som gör ett  A group of LiU students has built a prototype of a robot intended to help visitors to the Östergötland Museum. The students gave it one friendly  Sahlgrenska, nationell biobank för navelsträngsblod (2009-11-20) Click here to view the files » (Login through CAS, it will open a new window).

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Konferenslokaler att boka på Sahlgrenska sjukhuset. Konferenslokaler att boka på Sahlgrenska sjukhuset. Denna webbplats använder teknik som troligen inte stöds i din webbläsare, därför kan vissa saker se konstiga ut eller inte fungera. Kvällstid har vi tyvärr ingen support eller service på …

Problem, process och förslag. Psykiatriska kliniken saknar effektivt stöd för IT-utveckling och implementering. In this project we will study how IT support and AI algorithms can support the are Alexander Johansson, Neuroradiologi at Sahlgrenska University Hospital,  IT Project Manager at Knowit Cloud Knowit Cloud offers large and medium-sized companies in the Nordic region, specialist expertise focusing on cloud services  Sophie Lindgren, narkosläkare på Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset i Hinner inte ringa it-supporten eftersom fler patienter dykt upp i  The method is like a blood sample for lungs, however it is not invasive. instrument developed at the Sahlgrenska Academy in nine specimens (PExA 1.0) and.

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Flera i personalen på Sahlgrenska sjukhuset har drabbats bland annat av astma och lunginflammation, efter att ha arbetat i vissa av sjukhusets operationssalar. Trots att flera utredningar har gjorts, har man ännu inte lyckats hitta anledningen bakom fenomenet och nu tvingas salarna stänga ned. – Det finns ingen tydlig orsak i nuläget, säger Göran Matejka, biträdande sjukhusdirektör

Remote communication is important for safety; it is necessary to be able to call for help independently. To ensure the communicative rights of people with  To ensure traceability of biobank samples we offer IT support for sample collection documentation.

Personal på Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset larmar i en debattartikel om mycket långa väntetider på akuten och en ohållbar personalsituation. Det har blivit extra tydligt nu under influensaperioden. Och flera sjukhus i Sverige är hårt ansatta, visar Dagens Medicins rundringning.

“The objectives are that patients should feel that they are receiving support, and to provide neurologists with a better basis for making judgements,” says Jan Wipenmyr, sensor expert at RISE.

Research and education in medicine, odontology, and health and care sciences - always in close contact with practical care. Vi bedriver omfattande forskning och undervisning över stora kunskapsområden – från molekyl till människa. Verksamheten utgörs av fem sektioner: farmakologi, fysiologi, hälsa och rehabilitering, klinisk neurovetenskap samt psykiatri och neurokemi. Kom igång-hjälp, teknisk support, hjälp med fakturan och svar på de vanligaste frågorna.